

Vegetarian Nuggets

It's alot of work, but it's so worth it making it delicious, especially with superfood.

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 I pretty much followed the process in the video but changed the ingredients instead, taking the chance to use chicken peas as a form of sticky ingredient to avoid too much carbs and made sure the wet ingredients are dried out (which it did since I blend it while it's hot)

The longest process was probably blending, coz I had to use a tiny coffee grinder

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Chickpeas and spinach

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With broccoli and Cauliflower

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Rolling them out before dipping

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Option to put it in the freezer or bake them

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Add coconut oil coat when bake

This ingredient made about 50 pieces easily I think depending on the size but its about half an ice cream scoop per piece


  • 1 broccoli bulb
  • 1/4 of a huge cauliflower
  • 1 can of chickpeas
  • 1 bag of spinach
  • 1 bulb garlic
  • 2 tbsp of LSA 
Other: Gluten free flour, 4 eggs, and half a bag of panko crumbs for the external dipping

Method (You can use the youtube video for steps)
  1. Steam all of the vegetables
  2. And blend everything and mix them in a bowl
  3. Pour the 'dough' out on a flat tray and roll them out to 1/2" thick
  4. Place it in a freezer so that it's easier to cut them
  5. Using a cookie cutter, cut a piece out
  6. Cover it with flour, dipping in egg wash and roll it with crumbs
  7. There is a choice to freeze them straightaway or place them in an oven
  8. If you are baking, bake it at 180degrees for 20 mins (flipping it halfway)
  9. I usually bake a bit and pan fry them on a pan full of coconut oil or bake with coconut oil coated on it.

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